
SnailGit is a TortoiseGit-like Git client, implemented as a Finder extension.

SnailGit allows you to access the most frequently used Git features, from the Finder context menu directly.

SnailGit also adds icon overlays to your Git working copies in Finder. It tracks your Git working copies and updates the icon overlays automatically, giving you visual feedback of the current state of your working copies.

In a few steps, you can start using SnailGit easily:
1. Enable “SnailGit Extension” in “System Preferences » Extensions”.
2. Clone a Git working copy with SnailGit (File » Git Clone…) or add an existing Git working copy to SnailGit.
3. Navigate to your working copy in Finder and right click to access SnailGit functionalities.


Q: There is no icon overlays / context menu for the files?
A: Please make sure that you’ve enabled “SnailGit Extension” in “System Preferences » Extensions”, and also make sure that you’ve added the working copy to SnailGit Preferences.
If your Git working copy is monitored by multiple Finder extensions, please make sure that SnailGit Extension comes first in “System Preferences » Extensions » Finder”, you can drag and drop the extensions to adjust the order.
If the problem persists, please disable “SnailGit Extension” in “System Preferences » Extensions” and then enable it again. The last resort is to relaunch Finder or restart your computer.

Q: What kind of URL schemes does SnailGit support?
A: SnailGit supports the following URL schemes:
– http://
– https://
– git://
– ssh://

Q: Does SnailGit work well with other Git clients?
A: In theory, SnailGit works with any kinds of Git clients that is compatible with Git 2.6, from the command line client to the GUI apps.

Q: Does SnailGit work for file managers other than Finder?
A: SnailGit is primarily a Finder extension, so it is likely that it will not work for other file managers.

Download SnailGit

SnailGit Free


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  1. Is there a way to purchase SnailGit other than through the AppStore ? We’re interested in volume purchase for a couple of company employees.

  2. Snailgit is not working in Mojave Finder, please verify.

    • Hi,
      It has been confirmed that SnailGit works well with macOS Mojave.
      Please disable all the Finder extensions except SnailGit extension (System Preferences -> Extensions -> Finder Extensions), relaunch Finder (Option-Command-Esc) and see if it works.
      BTW, you must add Git repositories to “SnailGit Preferences -> Repositories” to make SnailGit observe those directories.
      Thank you!

  3. This is product is perfect for users used to TortoiseSVN but it’s for Git on macOS !

    I had an issue about customize colors and the support it’s from another world.

    5 stars !

  4. Hi, bought snailgit from the appstore. want to use it with both https:// urls but also with bare git repos on my servers network drives. When I clone a bare repo from server with snailgit it works fine.

    Pushing and pulling afterwards has worked. But it always stops working after closing the computer or logging out and login in again.

    Of course I ensure that network drive is correctly mounted and also that the git command line commands work perfectly … it is snailgit that tells me: ‘-c’ ‘credential.helper=/Applications/’ ‘pull’ ‘–progress’ ‘–verbose’ ‘–no-commit’ ‘–tags’ ‘origin’ ‘master:master’
    fatal: ‘/Volumes/xyz/abc/GIT/’ does not appear to be a git repository
    fatal: Could not read from remote repository.

    Please make sure you have the correct access rights
    and the repository exists.

    As I wrote … git on command line works fine. Cloning again with snailgit and then using it works as well – but it would not be the best idea to have to clone each time when opening the computer again.

    What am I doing wrong? Or is snailgit only working with urls?


  5. Hi,

    I have some Repos in the iCloud Folder and it seems that your extension is not working there. For other locations It works well.

    Is this a known issue?

  6. The app looks nice, it should make my migration from TortoisGit windows to the Mac more smooth. I’m currently having a problem while testing the light version connecting to my repo via SSH. In the terminal I have no problems, but in SnailGitLite I get the following:

    `load pubkey “/Users//.ssh/id_rsa”: Operation not permitted`

    Side Note: When will interactive rebase be coming? That is the #1 feature I leverage in visual GIT tools. It makes rebasing with visual diff tools much nicer.

    Thanks for your work!

    • Hi Jim,
      Please go to “SnailGit Preferences -> Repositories”, double click the repository to configure the authentication info.
      We’ll consider your suggestion about interactive rebase later.
      Thank you!

  7. My repository uses Git LFS. I can push LFS files with the ‘git push’ command in the terminal correctly. However, when I use SnailGit, its console prints the following message:

    ‘This repository is configured for Git LFS, but ‘git-lfs’ was not found on your path. If you no longer wish to use Git LFS, remove this hook by deleting the ‘pre-push’ file in the hooks directory (set by ‘core.hookspath’; usually ‘.git/hooks’).’

    I have configured the external git path as ‘/opt/homebrew/bin/git’ and my git was installed via homebrew. ‘Enable LFS’ option in SnailGit Preferences is enabled.

    • Hi SK,
      It seems that git-lfs is not found in the PATH of SnailGit.
      Please find out where git-lfs is via the following command:
      which git-lfs

      And then create create a symbolic link to git-lfs via the following command:
      ln -s /path/to/git-lfs /usr/local/bin/git-lfs

      Go to SnailGit and try again.
      Thank you!

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